4n_objx by Gryphon Rue

4n_objx by Gryphon Rue

We’re used to seeing dance music that draws us into a world of predictability, immersing us in a constant flow state that persists even as one track ends and another begins. However, 4n_objx by Gryphon Rue succeeds just as well at immersing us in a world free of any sort of logic or predictability, strategically planting patterned rhythms among a sonic world that otherwise makes no sense. We cling to this mechanical rhythm for support as sour harmonies pour over us, blocks of harsh electronic noise and unsettling field recordings whizzing past our heads as we hold on for dear life. Eventually, Rue even toys at the removal of this safe foundation, replacing it with harmonic warbles and loosely patterned noise, forcing us out into the sonic wilderness without a hand to hold. We awaken from this bizarre, meandering trance in an unrecognizable landscape, marveling at this alien world laid bare after our various layers of safety were stripped away right before our eyes.


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