All That Broke from a Single Lamp by Dawam
The structures we rely upon in our world continue their slow dilapidation. Polish ambient artist Dawam listens intently to the grass growing up through the cracks, the groaning of rusted iron, the transient grumblings of dissatisfaction. Summing up their findings in an album called All That Broke from a Single Lamp, Dawam lays out the full spectrum of despair, fright, nostalgia, and euphoria that come with the process of age, change, and degradation. At times, the record presents a dichotomy between an underlying orderly sound and the chaotic flourishes on top, showing the beauty and strength of the consistent self in the face of external chaos and superficial personal change. However, at other times that stable self vanishes as the songs get lost in the deep, dark woods of dysfunction. At the darkest of times, at unusual moments of harmonious self-assuredness, and at all the awkward points of movement between, Dawam’s music provides the soundtrack to the mounting entropy in the world and in our lives.