Coin by Taxidermy

Coin by Taxidermy

Just as we find our footing in the world, the floor falls out from under us, sending us careening even further into doubt and anxiety. Coin by Taxidermy explores loss in both concrete and abstract forms, using a dark, emo-influenced post-hardcore sound to move past the shock phase of grief. From family connections to lost futures, the speaker laments their losses with shouting vocals that dance around warm chords. All the while, crunchy harmonies introduce an underlying sonic darkness that reflects back the bleakness of the album’s lyrics, reminding us of the vain desperation that comes with shocked grief. Standing as a last testament to a life with meaning, direction, and certainty, Coin opens up a portal to a new world of unpredictability and disempowerment, a grim reality where comfort lies just out of reach and brighter days only adorn the past.


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