Decadence in Breeding by No Teeth

Decadence in Breeding by No Teeth

Striking the stone-cold austerity of gothic rock with a staff until a colorful flood of excess bursts forth, the miraculous wanderers in No Teeth introduce us to a delightful and absurd brand of maximalism on Decadence in Breeding. Painting decadence as dirty, sinful, and intoxicatingly fun, this album’s lumbering gait stumbles through angular gothic guitars, no wave chaos, psych rock organs, hard rock riffs, and prog songwriting sensibilities, pulling everything together under an umbrella of iconic, shouty post punk vocals. This willingness to take the music wherever it needs to go to become even more extravagant results in an overwhelming sound, showing us the delightful result of chasing more for the sake of more. Of course, the music itself readily admits that nothing lies at the end of this path towards continuous increase, but by the end of the album we share in its morbid curiosity to see what lies ahead.


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