Ridiculous and Full of Blood by Julie Christmas

Ridiculous and Full of Blood by Julie Christmas

Power strangles the world with a steel chain, from an economy that alienates us to interpersonal relationships that eviscerate our personhood. Julie Christmas shatters this chokehold on her terrifying new record Ridiculous and Full of Blood, a wholesale rejection of complacency in all facets of life. The album’s distinctive post-metal sound assembles an impenetrable wall of guitar that collides head-on with some of the most personal, immediate, gut-wrenching vocals imaginable. This vocal desperation combined with ominously aggressive lyrics and an uncomfortably gory album cover suggest a willingness to use all parts of the body and every drop of strength to annihilate power itself and all who abuse it. Until then, a thin veil of composure holds Julie Christmas in place, leaving her whispering and snarling through the quieter parts of the album, donning her false grin one last time before viciously coating it in blood.


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