Sicko by Finlay Clark
We typically see two approaches to dispelling negative emotion: addressing our feelings head-on, or finding a means to escape. However, the new experimental noisy orchestral album Sicko by Finlay Clark takes both of these approaches at once, fully metabolizing the misfortunes of a rough patch of life while still constructing an imaginary utopia to escape to. Despair claws its way to the surface with Clark’s incredible emo-tinged vocals, all while disorienting and dissonant orchestral arrangements push us further down this dark path. However, Clark makes it clear here that they’re having the time of their lives on every second we hear on this record, constructing the perfect artistic space for themselves and challenging their surrounding life to conform to the level of greatness that they can pull off in the studio. Depressing without falling into hopelessness, heartwarming without ignoring the struggle, this record acts as an emotionally complicated journal entry, perfectly taking a snapshot of every nuance of Clark’s mind as they process this rough patch in life.