(The Game Is) Hypnosis by Joseph White

(The Game Is) Hypnosis by Joseph White album cover

Music exists everywhere in this world, yearning for freedom. Sounds enter the magical chambers of (The Game Is) Hypnosis by Joseph White as mundane, forgotten artifacts of the everyday, only to emerge as components of a warm, bubbling, beautiful work of art. Starting with old disused audio stems, microscopic pieces of music left on the cutting room floor so ambiguous as to be sometimes indistinguishable from natural noise, White rigorously edits, chops, and shifts these snippets into becoming synthetic instruments with their own distinct tone, pitch, and timbre. These marvels of digital recycling lend their voices to brief vignettes with a dazzling depth of character, carrying the chaos of intense digital manipulation along with the open warmth of something beyond. What once existed as forgotten recordings of disjointed practices, warm-ups, and drones now breathes with new life, unlocking the full symphonies trapped within each individual sound, polishing its surfaces until the entire space buzzes with the sound’s full and radiant light.


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