The Great Guitar of Universal Compassion by Bodies of Divine Infinite and Eternal Spirit

The Great Guitar of Universal Compassion by Bodies of Divine Infinite and Eternal Spirit

Violating every expectation surrounding love songs, The Great Guitar of Universal Compassion by Bodies of Divine Infinite and Eternal Spirit crafts meandering, partially improvised pieces of vocal poetry backed by eerie, fuzzy, sparse instrumentation. Rather than cleanly mapping onto feelings of warmth and safety or darkness and defeat, the love we find here flows directly from the mind into a liminal, indeterminate space, announcing its existence upon an uncomfortably blank canvas. Following in the gothic post punk tradition in its production style and shimmery finish, these backing tracks restart their melodic and harmonic loops as soon as the slightest suggestion of closure appears, meshing perfectly with the poetry as a spontaneous creation. Contextualizing love into the present feelings of warmth, loss, regret, or excitement will only age these tracks horribly in retrospect. Rather, allowing these thoughts to dangle in their raw, emotionally unprocessed forms opens the writer up to their future coloration by time, leaving this record as a time capsule to return to later and ascribe any amount of retrospective glow or shadow.


Patience by Maral
