This Body is a Burden by Tired Minds

There exists an inextricable link between mental health and physical health, but that interplay is often dismissed as trivial. But when the body is in a state of disrepair, it can seem impossible to embrace a positive outlook on life. That symbiosis between emotional and somatic pain is the focus on Tired Minds’ new EP This Body Is A Burden. This post hardcore release reminds listeners that human bodies are not meant to last forever. Like an overworked nurse navigating rounds between an overwhelmed ICU and a quiet quarantine ward, Tired Minds expertly balances heavy walls of distortion and moments of isolation. The dissonant comorbidity of depressed detachment and anxious over-thinking swirl together over punishing double-bass percussion,  jagged riffs, and throat-shredding vocals. Exploring suffering from every angle, This Body Is A Burden is a cathartic expression that showcases just how far one’s meatsuit can be pushed before it finally gives out in the end. - Kalen


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