TOUCAN by JackDupon

TOUCAN by JackDupon

For all of nature’s essential beauty, logic, and completeness, nothing in the natural world lives in homeostasis forever. For JackDupon on their album TOUCAN, representing nature requires a rejection of consistent harmony, celebrating the beautiful world we inhabit with an inconsistent onslaught of jagged guitars and lumbering grooves. Unexpected chaos douses nature in a vibrant array of colors, represented here with intuitive lyrics, shouted vocals, and fluctuating song structures, all flying in the face of the human tendency towards investing labor in the preservation of order. Always tinkering, always adjusting, always taking new forms, the music follows an evolutionary logic, advancing boldly and unflinchingly towards an unseen point. Where most observers would mistakenly assign order to this chaos, JackDupon instead gives us a glimpse from beyond the limits of the human perspective, creating a work whose beauty lies in its harmony with reality, not in the harmony between its internal components. 


A1 by Namjorh


LP stands for loser pop by Eyesplice