be again by iANO

be again by iANO

At the end of a long, deeply impactful relationship, we struggle to live in the moment, to kill the part of ourselves that will live on in that sublime comfort forever and learn to be again. Be Again by iANO presents a musical representation of this arduous rebuilding process, a deeply layered indietronica sound burying delicate nostalgia beneath suffocating noise, dwelling on repeated motifs that keep our memories alive as we stumble through the present. These motifs, simple melodic lullabies played on pianos or other minimal synths, appear on each track, planting the seed of a mesmerizing memory. From here, half a dozen layers of anti-melody obscure the simple beauty beneath, with sparse passages of distant vocals, digital distortion, and organic strings further distancing us from that radiant siren. However, as these layers peel back once again, we find the motif at the center of everything, always pulling the strings and keeping us in its grasp, always lurking around every corner just as we thought we’ve moved on.


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