This album isn't about the $500,000,000 loan Wells Fargo gave to Elbit Systems, it's a fun apolitical album with spooky lyrics that you can put on at your Halloween parties or any… by Carlton Heston
If you feel like you’re living in a horror movie every time you turn on the news, you’re not alone, and the new album by gothic country artist Carlton Heston puts a voice to your feelings. The album’s title gives away the record’s core sleight of hand: This album isn't about the $500,000,000 loan Wells Fargo gave to Elbit Systems, it's a fun apolitical album with spooky lyrics that you can put on at your Halloween parties or any time. Chugging acoustic guitar and mumbling vocals get dipped (and sometimes soaked) in reverb to create the dusky, foggy atmosphere, a gothic tone which amplifies the record’s macabre lyrical storytelling. These stories resurrect the evil beasts of folk mythology, implying that the monsters herein correspond to the world’s power structure today. Rather than taking vainly out your anger on your fellow man, these songs encourage us to search for the mythically evil forces moving behind the scenes, the monsters that terrorize humanity on a scale that the writers of the ancient stories could have never imagined.