I Will Turn, I Will, I Will by Sesame
I could see how people who’ve never dealt with major depression may think of it as some sort of sharp, stabbing pain, but, above all else, depression is just… boring. The dynamic slowcore of I Will Turn, I Will, I Will by Sesame perfectly embodies depression as an endless cycle, a thought loop that delivers sustained, increasing pain that feels more similar to a tattoo gun than to an acute injury. Taken at the pace of a lonely walk in the dead of night, the low simmer of looping guitar riffs, warm feedback fuzz, and reverb-laden moans begins our journey swirling around the mental drain. Finally, with no warning, we fly down this bottomless pit, the band opening up into frenzied drum and bass conniptions, desperately screeched vocals, and wildly distorted, nasty guitar chords. At the center, we find nothing, the cessation of all thought as feet march on silent pavement and the body empties into a whistling husk.