Petals by Warm Currency
You might not like your life situation right now, but if you have anxiety that doesn’t matter. On Petals by Warm Currency, change constantly haunts us, threatening us with decay even as our current surroundings inspire nothing but dread already. This minimalist folk album pulls together rusty samples, soaring vocals, intimate guitar, and gargantuan environments to meditate upon, or perhaps more accurately anxiously obsess over, movement, change, and time. Abstract lyrics give us constant one-two punches of energy and decay; wind howls through shattered windows while rain dissolves precious graffiti. Even before these changes take place, the world already appears unforgiving, with an austere musical landscape backing up the lyrical imagery of an environment well past its life-bearing prime. However, for the neurotic, all change, especially change as natural and unstoppable as the wind or the rain, could only possibly make a bad situation worse, driving our melodies deeper into darkness and our poetry further into despair.